Student Support and Accountability (formerly Student Conduct and Integrity)

Student Support and Accountability (SSA) is the primary office responsible for student support (Student Support and Cares), conflict resolution, and addressing alleged violations of the Code of Student Conduct (Code). The staff of SSA have a significant amount of experience coaching students who find themselves involved in conflict, serving as a resource for student struggling to connect, as well as guiding student behavior prior to, and after, a conduct violation occuring. SSA encourages responsible and respectful community behavior; focusing on student rights’, responsibilities’, fairness, honesty, and personal growth. Students are encouraged to embrace the “Sycamore Standard” in how they conduct themselves during their time at Indiana State University.

To submit a report/appeal, click here


The Sycamore Standard

Adopted by SGA in 2002; Adapted Policy Review Committee 2013

All members of Indiana State University will learn and apply essential life lessons related to: self-awareness, communication, civility and respect, integrity, forgiveness, patience and trust. As a member of Indiana State University:

  • I will practice personal responsibility and academic integrity;
  • I will aspire towards truth and learning;
  • I will foster an environment conducive to mine and other’s health, wellness, and safety;
  • I will avoid acts that promote intolerance of individuals or groups;
  • I will conduct myself in a manner that brings honor to me and the University community; and
  • I will discourage behaviors by others that are differing to these standards and expectations of the Code of Student Conduct.

Awareness of the common good leads us to make individual choices in light of how they affect, or may affect, other people and the ISU community as a whole. Accepting certain social conditions allows people, either as groups or individuals, to reach their full holistic development.



Student Support and Accountability
Hulman Memorial Student Union,
Room 821
Indiana State University
Terre Haute, IN 47809
Telephone: 812-237-3800
Fax: 812-237-9679